
Women's Health Magazine : Shailene Woodley July / August 2014 Issue.

Download Women's Health: Shailene Woodley July/august 2014 Issue

Shailene Woodley is flirty in bikini bottoms on the latest cover of Women’s Health magazine, on newsstands June 24.Here’s what the 22-year-old actress had to share with the mag.
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Her Secret workouts to stay Fit n Sexy
She talks about her Fav food
Shailene tells about her fav features

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On her favorite foods

Sweet potatoes are unreal. I eat chocolate every day. Raw chocolate, hands down, the best gift to human beings. My favorite dish to cook…any sort of pot roast. In a ceramic enamel pot..Read More

On her proudest physical feature:

I guess I’m proud that I’m very fit. That’s not a physical feature but I’m very proud that if somebody was like, ‘Alright, we’re walking to Central Park right now..Read More

On her dream gig:

I would love to play Stevie Nicks. She’s just such a fascinating woman who’s lived such a life and is still living such a life. Her music was really profound for me in my life..Read More

Shailene Woodley Interview

I’m really proud of my ability to be fit or stay fit and honor my body in that way. In a fight or flight situation, I consider myself a fighter, and so regardless of whether I would win or survive or anything, I want to know that I can give it my all. When I feel fit and when I feel strong, I feel like I can empower and fight back..Read More
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